In the News

Published 18 Jun, 2024
Too hot not to handle: Climate change is disrupting travel
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Published 13 Jun, 2024
These Are Cambodia’s Best Hotels, Spas, Pools and More in 2024
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Published 18 March, 2024
Sustainable tourism in Cambodia, a reality check
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Published 5 March, 2024
Cardamom Tented Camp joins The Long Run
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Published 4 March, 2024
Cardamom Tented Camp Joins The Long Run, Pledges Eco-Certification for Sustainable Tourism
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Published 12 June, 2023
Khiri Travel and Cardamom Tented Camp Hailed Among the Best
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Published 19 October, 2022
Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia Wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action
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Published 17 October, 2022
Well deserved recognition for nature resort Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action
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Published 17 October, 2022
Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action
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Published 19 Jun, 2022
The Best Ecotourism and ‘Giving Back’ Options in Cambodia
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Published 7 Jun, 2022
Cardamom Tented Camp Keeps the Forest Standing
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Published 7th February, 2022
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Published 14th December, 2021
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Published 7th October, 2021
Ecolodge in Cambodia secures top 100 destination sustainability accolade
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Published 6th October, 2021
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Published 5th October, 2021
Cambodia – Your Stay Keeps the Forest Standing
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Published 20th September, 2021
Emphasis will be on eco-tourism when Cambodia reopens to visitors, as operators bet on appetite for open spaces, nature and engaging experiences.
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Published 10th February, 2021
Experience the real Jungle Book with rainforest lodges, boutique resorts and eco-retreats across Asia, writes Laura French.
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Published 3rd November, 2020
Covid-19 has exacted massive damage to world economies as well as the travel and tourism industry, but it is just one of many alarms Nature has sounded, from wildfires and droughts to hurricanes and floods, to retaliate against mankind’s excessive takings from planet Earth.
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A new eco-tourism camp keeps a remote forest safe from poaching, and offers a laid-back stay with creature comforts
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Published 24th July, 2020
Now that the pandemic situation in Cambodia seems to be under control, an outdoor enthusiast like you may want to start going on adventures again. But, where do you go?
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Published 25th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown;
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Published 21th May, 2020
ท่องเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศ, สัตว์ป่า, กัมพูชา, CardamomTentedCamp, GTAEF มูลนิธิโกลเด้น ไทรแองเกิ้ล เอเชียน เอเลเฟนท์ (GTAEF) และ Cardamom Tented Camp เปิดเพจ Fundrazr ระดมทุนสนับสนุนงานลาดตระเวนเพื่อปกป้องป่าของเรนเจอร์ในประเทศกัมพูชา
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Published 21th May, 2020
Cardamom Tented Camp ที่พักเชิงนิเวศซึ่งตั้งอยู่ทางตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ของกัมพูชา ต้องหยุดการดำเนินงานชั่วคราวจากวิกฤตโควิด-19 และอาจทำให้การลาดตระเวนปกป้องป่าโดยเรนเจอร์ผู้พิทักษ์ป่าในอุทยานแห่งชาติ Botum Sakor ต้องหยุดลง เพราะขาดเงินทุนสนับสนุนอุปกรณ์ในการทำงาน
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Published 21th May, 2020
เมื่อการท่องเที่ยวในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ล่มสลาย นั่นหมายถึงการปกป้องและอนุรักษ์สัตว์ป่าในพื้นที่ทางตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ของกัมพูชาอาจต้องหยุดชะงักในอีกไม่กี่สัปดาห์ข้างหน้า
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Published 21th May, 2020
มูลนิธิโกลเด้น ไทรแองเกิ้ล เอเชียน เอเลเฟนท์ (GTAEF) และ Cardamom Tented Camp เปิดเพจ Fundrazr ระดมทุนสนับสนุนงานลาดตระเวนเพื่อปกป้องป่าของเรนเจอร์ในประเทศกัมพูชา ซึ่งพึ่งพารายได้จากการท่องเที่ยวที่ต้องปิดตัวลงชั่วคราวจากวิกฤตโควิด-19
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Published 20th May, 2020
THE collapse of tourism in Southeast Asia means wildlife and conservation in south west Cambodia may come to a halt in the next few weeks.
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Published 20th May, 2020
The temporary closure of Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has meant that forest patrols by Wildlife Alliance rangers in Botum Sakor national park in southwest Cambodia may have to be suspended.
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Published 20th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown; an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched
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Published 20th May, 2020
Cardamom Mountains, Trapeang Rung, Cambodia, May 20, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown; an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched.
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Published 20th May, 2020
มูลนิธิโกลเด้น ไทรแองเกิ้ล เอเชียน เอเลเฟนท์ (GTAEF) และ Cardamom Tented Camp เปิดเพจ Fundrazr ระดมทุนปกป้องป่าของกัมพูชา เมื่อการท่องเที่ยวในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ล่มสลาย นั่นหมายถึงการปกป้องและอนุรักษ์สัตว์ป่าในพื้นที่ทางตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ของกัมพูชาอาจต้องหยุดชะงักในอีกไม่กี่สัปดาห์ข้างหน้า
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Published 19th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown; an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched
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Published 19th May, 2020
The collapse of tourism in Southeast Asia means wildlife and conservation in south west Cambodia may come to a halt in the next few weeks.
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Published 19th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown; an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched.
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Published 19th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown; an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched.
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Published 19th May, 2020
Experience Mekong Collection members provide these locally authentic experiences to travelers and residents alike, which make the Mekong Region so exciting and interesting.
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Published 19th May, 2020
The temporary closure of Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has meant that forest patrols by Wildlife Alliance rangers in Botum Sakor national park in southwest Cambodia may have to be suspended.
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Published 19th May, 2020
Tourism-dependent forest ranger patrols in Cambodia which are financed by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Cardamom Tented Camp are in danger since the Covid-19 tourism shutdown so an emergency Fundrazr page has been launched.
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Published 12th May, 2020
This 18,000ha of pristine rainforest forms the last remaining natural corridor between the two elephant habitats: Botum Sakor & Southern Cardamom National Parks.
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Anurak Community Lodge makes elite list of ‘eco-friendly’ hotels

Published 7th August, 2019
A “community” lodge in Thailand’s Khao Sok National Park and a tented camp in southwest Cambodia have been included in an invitation-only UK publication.
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travel biz news

Published 20th July, 2019
Conservation-focused ecolodge and ecotourism project Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia, has won the 2019 PATA Gold Award in the Environment – Ecotourism Project category.
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Published 5th March, 2019
Unaware of the price on its head, the hapless pangolin scurried across the jungle floor; most likely it was looking for ants, which the creatures gleefully scoop up with their long, sticky tongues.
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Published 12th February, 2019
Like scissors cutting through silk, Duong Tina’s paddles slice through the softly curving Preak Tachan River, its early morning water still and smooth.
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The Guardian

Published 27th January, 2019
A new eco-tourism camp keeps a remote forest safe from poaching, and offers a laid-back stay with creature comforts
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Published 17th January, 2019
Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has been chosen as one of 15 global finalists in the World Travel and Tourism Council’s Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2019.
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Published 17th January, 2019
The camp is one of three contenders in the Changemakers Award category, which, this year, is focussed on fighting illegal wildlife trade through sustainable tourism.
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Published 17th January, 2019
Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has been chosen as one of 15 global finalists in the World Travel and Tourism Council’s Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2019.
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Drift Travel

Published 17th January, 2019
Since opening in 2017, the Cardamom Tented Camp has integrated the role of 12 forest rangers who protect a 180 sq km (70 sq miles) lowland forest concession into the guest experience.
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Published 15th January, 2019
The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards, now in its 15th year, showcases the organisations with a strong commitment to supporting change, transformation in business practices and consumer behaviour towards a more environmentally conscious travel sector.
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Published 30th September, 2018
Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains region is one of the country’s last true wilderness, and a new eco-camp is ensuring we’ll still be able to see it for years to come…
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South China Morning Post

Published 26th July, 2018
Travellers to Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains can enjoy nature at its best, while helping to save the rainforest and its wildlife from logging and poaching, thanks to the launch of innovative tourism projects to support conservation
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Published 25th June, 2018
Deep in the heart of Botum Sakor National Park in southwestern Cambodia, Chum Kheng, head ranger in these parts, is telling scary stories. Inside his ramshackle ranger station, he recounts tales of the tooled-up poachers who have long plundered these pristine jungles.
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Talk Travel Asia

Published 15th May, 2018
This Talk Travel Asia podcast features two experts on Tented Camps, a unique accommodation option for getting up close and personal with the great outdoors while traveling in Asia.  Where one stays while traveling can make or break a trip. Sometimes a shared dorm room does the trick, while other times it’s a suite with private plunge-pool.
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Published 26th March, 2018
Encompassing the largest tract of unbroken rain forest in Southeast Asia, Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains have long been plagued by rampant deforestation and poaching. But a new generation of dedicated conservationists is helping to protect this vast wilderness, backed by ecotourism initiatives that are only now beginning to put down roots.
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Published 9th February, 2018
Many short-term leisure travellers would hardly consider staying at Botum Sakor National Park, located on the biodiverse Cardamom mountains of southwest Cambodia. But a conservation-friendly adventure getaway within the 171,250 ha (1,712.5 sq km) area, Cardamom Tented Camp, keeps it top of mind and protected.
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Published 8th January, 2018
During my recent assignment to Koh Kong province in Cambodia, I came across a project of forest concession for tourism. Situated on the southwestern corner of the country, Koh Kong is home to different…
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Published 7th January, 2018

Cardamom Tented Camp, a pioneering sustainable tourism project is making its debut in the heart of the Cardamom Mountains. Marissa Carruthers catches up with Willem Niemeijer, CEO of YANNA Ventures, to find out more.
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Published 5th October, 2017
A collaborative project from YAANA Ventures sustainable travel group, Cambodia’s Wildlife Alliance conservation organization and Thailand-based Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, the Cardamom Tented Camp sits on a protected stretch of land that was once a hotbed of logging and poaching. Read the full story.
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Published in October, 2017
The new Cardamom Tented Camp in Botum Sakor National Park in southwest Cambodia has announced 3 day/2 night and 4 day/3 night packages for nature tourists. The safari-style camp with nine furnished and comfortable boutique tents, each with a private bathroom, is open for booking now, with the soft opening on 1 November.
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Published in 14th September, 2017
The newly launched Cardamom Tented Camp – an initiative by Minor International, Yaana Ventures and Wildlife Alliance – is offering 3D2N and 4D3N eco-tourism experiences at Botum Sakor National Park in southwest Cambodia.
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