Birdwatching in Cambodia’s Rainforests | Cardamom Tented Camp

Botum Sakor National Park, situated below the Cardamom Mountains in Koh Kong Province, is one of the last untouched wildlife corridors in Southeast Asia. Passing through evergreen forests and grasslands, you’ll hear a steady stream of bird songs and calls before seeing any birds. Join Cardamom Tented Camp for some exciting birdwatching in Cambodia.  Together, we’ll embark on a journey to locate rare bird species that have returned to the area. Our groups will also kayak along the Preak Tachan River with the birding guide, identifying a wide-range of colorful birds as they forage in the area.

Birding in Cambodia sometimes starts off slow; but our groups are rewarded for their patience with more bird sightings later in the day. You might be fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the rarer avian species such as the endangered white-winged duck, one of the rarest waterfowl in Asia. Other endangered species that we’ve seen include: the green peafowl, lesser adjutant, Oriental darter, and gray-headed fish eagle, to name just a few.

Cardamom Tented Camp now offers a supplementary Birdwatcher Package that takes you birding deep into the Cardamom rainforest. Partnering with the Sam Veasna Center, the specialist birding guide will meet your birding group at our tented camp. This package can be added to any of our other packages including: the Trekker, Explorer, Adventurer, or Jungle Camp, and offers avid birders a chance to do some birding, while engaging in other activities offered at Cardamom Tented Camp.

The Sam Veasna Center for Wildlife Conservation runs birding and wildlife viewing trips at various Wildlife Conservation Society sites in Cambodia. With over 13 years of experience, they have recorded hundreds of rare or endangered bird sightings including at the Botum Sakor National Park. Our specialist birding guide from the center will point out the different bird chirps and songs as guests hike through Botum Sakor National Park to find the perfect bird watching spots, or visit the nearby hides set up by our Cardamom Tented Camp staff.

It’s also worth noting that if you want to dedicate more time to birding, we can easily adjust the schedule of any of the other activities you are taking part in at our camp. In June last year, a team of birders from the Sam Veasna Center for Wildlife Conservation were invited to Cardamom Tented Camp for four-days and recorded over 55 different species while they were here. Among the birds they sighted were Oriental dwarf kingfisher, white-rumped shama, black-and-red broadbill, and green-eared barbet.

So keep your eyes peeled and binoculars ready! As the flood plains meet with the mangrove forests, move along the coast and discover why it’s the ideal spot for some birding. For bookings and more information on our Birdwatcher Package, please fill out the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.